AB 2069 was signed into law by Gavin Newsom yesterday. Domestically produced soju and shochu can be sold to beer and wine licensees (restaurants) in California starting January 1, 2025. Please start asking for craft soju/shochu at your favorite eatery – especially Golden Beaver Distillery Biibā Soju.
Special thanks to the Governor, Assemblyman James Gallagher and his crack staff, and all of the California Assembly and Senate for passing this bill unanimously.
Thanks to the supporters of the bill: California Rice Commission, Distilled Spirits Council of the United States, American Craft Spirits Assc., American Distilling Institute, California Artisanal Distillers Guild, FAR WEST RICE INC, YOBO SOJU, Tokki Soju 토끼 소주, Yobo Drinks and Corning & Company